Posted by: le2jog | September 14, 2010

Day 11 – far, far from Devon!

Yes, for those of you who haven’t been paying attention, we are far, far away from Devon. 
Last night we spent an evening in Glasgow, well The Radnor Hotel anyway.  It was comfortable and I had a bath full of hot bubbly water, so I was happy.  We set off this morning with a smile on our faces, because we’d done the extra mileage last night by mistake so John dropped us off at the point where he had picked us up yesterday(Coach is great 😉 )…..still with me so far?  We were also happy because it wasn’t raining when we started peddling – bonus. In fact over half the ride was in fine weather so we were able to take in the stunning views on the way to and along the bonnie, bonnie banks of Loch Lomond.  

David, Alex and Jackie by Loch Lomond

I thought of my sister Ellen when we cycled past the painted wall showing Helensburg left and Dunbarton right, and of the many times I’ve driven up the A82 on the way to Oban to go dive with the seals.  Mostly though I was taking in the fantastic Scottish scenery – WOW.  You notice so much more too when you’re on a bike going at an average 10 mph!  We stopped a few times today for photos ops, and I’ll try and put a few in.  Touch wood, the last couple of days it’s all been posted as written….  Other than the lack of rain early on today, the wind was quite an issue.  It buffets you from the side and can make you feel quite unstable, a bit scary sometimes.  Also it makes you feel as if you’re not moving very far!   Tomorrow’s forecast is for more wind and showers. Doh!   Snow on the high ground too, that would be exciting.  

Loch Lomond

So what else did we see today on our travels?  The crazy drivers who followed us into the coned off area of road works when we were trying to get out of their way – the angry lorry driver who didn’t like that we could get to the head of the traffic light queue.  He passed by us very close, just to prove a point.  Though which point I’ve not quite worked out. But most of all we saw such magical sights I’m not sure where to start….Loch Lomond was stunning as we approached it first in sunshine and as we stood watching some swans flew across the surface of the water – very elegant.  As we followed the Loch, mile after mile, we caught the changes as the weather changed, dappled sun turned into wind whipped crests, and then grey clouds descended to shower it (and us) with rain.  We saw and heard many waterfalls along the way, big crashing ones and small burbling ones, they were all worth a look.  Not that we stopped for all of them, we had some miles to cover.
By the top end, the sun was reappearing and rainbows formed – we saw quite a few – they really are quite magical in my book.  The final one was over Crianlarich, where we are staying tonight.  It seemed to be welcoming us home.  Jen, our hostess at the B&B also welcomed us as if we were home, and opened up the drying room too.  Bliss, everything is hung up and drying before tomorrows showers.  It’s always nice to start out with dry shoes, even if at the end of the day there like two puddles.   Tomorrow there is more wind and rain forecast too.  Never mind eh? Nearly there now just over 200 miles to go!                   

Rainbow over Crianlarich.

Today we covered 42 miles,  just a short  hop then!  Tomorrow it will be just over 60 again.  We aim to get past Fort William before tea.  Tee hee. Actually we just aim to get there in one piece.  We have covered 627 miles so far, for those who may have thought we couldn’t do it… we are, scratching at the back door to get in! 
I can’t wait.

As always, I must thank everyone who has left a comment, we  read them with excitment. Welcome to Brenda and thanks for the support.   Thank you too for those who have sponsored me to support the Alzhiemers Society, it’s not too late if you would still like to.  Check out my Just Giving link on this page.  Also to those of you who are new viewers, you can check out how far we’ve come be scrolling down the page to my previous blogs over the past 7 months.  
May I wish Steve a happy birthday for today -HAPPY BIRTHDAY-  thanks for your words of encouragment too. 
Just a note from David to all his friends, sorry his phone got a little too damp yesterday and is on the blink, so he is feeling lost and has ‘no contact with the planet’  A little over-dramatic I think! 

That’s all for today, I’m off to bed.  Although it’s only 9:30 it feels like midnight!  Wish us luck for the big, windy, wet adventure tomorrow and I hope to catch some wi-fi again to let you all know how it went. 
Night night,
Beth xx


  1. 9.30 and off to bed?? Either you’ve got a man for the night or the miles are starting to take their toll. Keep going, not much more now. Time to realise what a great adventure you’ve just had and enjoy these last few miles. Great pics too – well done.

    • No man for the night, and it was 10:30 by the time I went to sleep….lovely to get an extra hour and a half’s sleep 😉

  2. Wow, love those photos you’ve posted today. Especially the photo of Trusty, Alex and Jackie. What a shame you weren’t there too. Boo! They look so happy – as if you’re all out for a day’s cycle rather than covering 600+ miles so far. And as for the rainbow photo… Let’s hope that’s a happy omen for the remainder of the trip. May the rain and wind cease and you arrive at John O’Groats in full sunshine! You guys are amazing! We are all awed by your stamina and enthusiasm. Keep blogging. i love my daily fix! Deirdre xx

  3. Great photos – not everyone has an album of piccies from Lands End to John O Groat’s! I don’t know how you manage to fit in photography and blogging whilst cycling hundreds of miles – well done. Hope the wonderful scenery makes up for any inclement weather today.

  4. Well John O’Groats is just round the corner so keep pedaling. The weather seems to be better than the forecast so that is a plus. Just think of all the times you will be able to dine out on your experience. Hope you will put together an album of all the photos so we can view them. Reading your blog is compulsory every morning.

  5. Hi Beth
    I stole part of this but it seems so apt….
    May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the sun shine warm upon your face
    May the rains fall soft upon your shoulders
    And until we meet again
    Stay fit and keep safe…..
    Well done !!!! your achievement is immense !!! ..and not just the the blog !!!
    Not far now …the champagne awaits you….we shall share a bottle when you get back to Maplehurst…

  6. Finally making the effort to leave a comment – mortally ashamed I’ve been ‘too busy’ when something momentous like this jaunt is going on!
    Andy & I eagerly scan the breakfast TV weather for hints of sunshine for you all every day…. Todays little lejog chat chez Westlands Cott was all about how you lot will take on the world when you get back! look out Simon 🙂 Big ooo & xxx to you all

  7. Finally found the chance to get up to date! (and you’ll also notice I’m inept at checking my phone :S (sorry)

    You guys are doing great though! From the weather forecasts i’ve seen, it’s a big spiral of cold wind from the north, but it seems to curl northbound as you head east, so HOPEFULLY it will find its way around to push you along! (not that you need the help 😉

    Hopefully speak to you later! KEEP GOING!!

    K x

  8. Love the rainbow pic, don’t know how you do it!.
    Heres hoping you miss all those showers, and they are always raining on someone else. Sounds like you had “another good day in the office”. Keep it up, you’re nearly there. Special message for David:- You may not be able to speak to us, but we’re all thinking of all of you, so keep your spirits up..

  9. love the photo’s Beth your nearly there and doing so well. I thought i might go cycling in the pyrenees tomorrow seeing as its so sunny here…I’ll be thinking of you on your last stretch through the high lands, i think you did it the right way round. Its lovely that feeling of being so knackered that you need your bed even if it is only 9.30..lots of love philippa x

  10. Hi Beth Picked up your blog link from Simon earlier and have read every day’s rides-congratulations and fortitude to you all it is a tremendous effort and one that I am most jealous of(easy when you are sitting on a sofa in a warm lounge!).

    You appear to be nearly there-Keep pedalling!
    Adrian x

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