Posted by: le2jog | September 7, 2010

Day 4 and we’re up for more!!!

Here I am, entering North Somerset.

Hurrah another day under our belt.  We were all keen to get started this morning as it is our first 1/2 day.  Only 40 miles then – doh!  That’s a little more than a half day if you ask me.  Still it was a relatively easy ride on mostly flat ground, in fact we stayed on the A 38 all the way to Dundry just outside Bristol.  I can’t quite believe we’ve ridden for 4 days and got nearly to Bristol.  Amazing!  We, once again?!?, hit the Somerset border, just before the biggest hill of the day. 
Yes, who’d have thought, we still get nasty hills on flat days?!   One stop today for coffee and conveniences and we were all excited to get to our lunch stop in Dundry where John, Simon, Chris and Roxanne were waiting for us. 
That was really exciting to have a posse of people to cheer us in to our finishing stop of today.  Lots of hugs, lunch/beer and off we rolled just down the hill to Collitis Farm B&B, an old haunt of  John and Jackie’s where our extended group will all stay tonight.  Alex and Annie are also due to join us from Sussex and Simon’s cooking a BBQ for us all. Yum! 
Today we cycled 40.9 miles in 3 hours 20 mins,

So I’ve been a bit remiss telling you all of the wonderful scenes we see along our route, I’d love to be able to take pictures every few miles, but we’d be at it ’til Christmas if I did that.  We have seen some fantastic wildlife, especially birds along the way.  The B&B yesterday morning not only had a very picturesque stream and bridge as it’s back garden it also had a fantastic bird table contraption.  I saw marsh, coal, great, blue tits, robins, nuthatch, chaffinch, and treecreepers.  It was a wonderful sight.  Also riding in the rain that day we saw a pair of birds of prey, hawks perhaps – very big and sitting side by side on fench posts right by the side of the road.  Too wet to stop for a photo call though.

So now as we have a bit more of a relax than normal with friends we won’t see again for over a week, I’ll leave you to mull over our trek so far. 
As always, thank you to those who are watching this blog, and to those sending best wishes via the comment facility – that really gees me on.  Thank you too to all those who have sponsored me,  I really appriciate it.

Looking across to Clifton Suspension Bridge.

Beth xx

P.S. don’t forget to check out Jackie’s blog link if you want another view of our ride!


  1. Thank you Beth for all your hard work blogging. It must be hard when you are so tired but it really feels like sharing the experience (well, almost! But without the pain!)
    Anyway I love reading it and I hope you are all enjoying your half day jolly.
    Lots of good luck to you all..

  2. You guys are doing so well, I’m very very impressed, keep up the good work!!

  3. Weather looks great you’re just kiddng with the rain aren’t you. Sounds like you’re having so much fun you won’t want to come back to us!!

  4. The Barbie sounds great – if Beth can’t be at the White Horse the White Horse will come to Beth. May flat roads and fine weather be with you for the next leg!

  5. Hope the BBQ was yummy and the chicken didn’t get you! The worst day is done now (apparently) so it’s all up (or hopefully downhill) from here!! Keep it up 🙂 K x

  6. Glad to see you got some sun, let’s hope it keeps up. Life always tries to trip you up with those steep hills at the end of the day, or a sharp bend at the botton of the hill. The wild life sounds amazing, so there’s the bonus!. Keep on track.

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