Posted by: le2jog | September 8, 2010

Day 5 – and we’re still alive – pretty much!!

We had a fun gathering last night with friends and family getting together to eat yum BBQ supplied by Simon and generally catch up on how things are going.  Sadly all us cyclist’s faded shortly after 9pm, so he party ended quite early, but I’m sure everyone understood  –  we were all knackered!!
This morning they were all there though to wave us off on our 5th day of this endurance ride.  Thanks guys, we were all gee’d on by your support.  Thank you too, to those of you who are new to commenting  on the blog, John from San Francisco – should have looked you up while I was there!! – Diane, who I know is a faithful watcher, Kerrie – I hope it is mostly downhill (who am I trying to kid!), and Jenni, welcome, glad you’re enjoying the fun!  And to all those who found the blog months ago and are still in touch, I can’t tell you how much it helps us to know you’re all tuning in.  Oh, and thanks Angela for Reiki-ing the good weather for us it was a god-send today.

So about today… we were waved off as I mentioned by friends and family, and Great Coach John, as he’s become fondly known, to cycle toward the Clifton Suspension Bridge.  The origional plan was to cycle over it which would have been spectacular, but due to milage and a change of B&B we shifted to another route North. Pity, but we did get some super views of it on the way….on we trekked, keeping to the cycle paths where possible, there were a lot around Bristol way, AND they were actually dedicated bits of wide, smooth tarmac unlike the Horsham variety!  We stopped quite a lot today for camera opportunities which was a good thing I think.  If you’re going to cycle the length of Britain, you ought to be able to take a few pics – eh?  So here is a couple from one of the first spots, just up-river from Clifton;

Jackie and David looking 'hard'!

On we forged, the terrain was mostly flat and the weather was beautiful.  We stopped at the services just before the Severn Bridge (the origional one) and met with John and Alex and Annie Mudge – determined to wave us on one more time.  The day was looking to be a productive one with 64 miles on the cards.  We were up for that, especially we found the route familiar in it’s make up. (Hills, flat bits and the like.)  We wer warned to stop in Monmouth for lunch as there was not much after that in the way of stops.  Nothing actually.  So we did.  As we were due some hilly bits after Monmouth we opted for a cafe, where we had sandwiches and the like before doing a loop of the town – not because we were lost, we just wanted to see the shops…and very interesting they looked too.  I’d like to stop there another time when A/ in a car and B/ have some spare cash to spend!  So, after finding the right route out we were on our way to base camp.  Half-way there, or so we thought.  While we mull on that I’ll try and deposite two more pics that you may like, of us crossing the M5(?) and a beautiful river crossing just before Monmouth……here goes;

Alex, David and Jackie.The river Mon (?)

The river Mon (?)

Lookng at that beuatiful scene has reminded me how stunning it was to cycle through the Wye Valley as we did.  If it was easier to stop, take out the camera from the bum-bag then the protective plastic bag then the camera case, then take the picture…..I would have taken loads.  Hey ho- guess I’ll have to do it again someday!!!!!
You must be crazy – of course I won’t!  

So here we were on the homeward staight, at least over half way.  Now we weren’t distracted so much by photo ops, though I missed a pair of cormorants, various birds of prey and a new born foal…good spots Jackie….I guess I can’t capture it all on film. 
As we got through Hereford – nearly there now – left after the river – a can smell the tea being brewed – right at the monument – ‘where’s the B&B’,I want it now  (Jackie’s words) – not a sign!
15-ish miles later after much gnashing of teeth and a stop at a Rugbyclub for me to use the loo……unfortunately no Rugby players in residence……we finally got to the Riverside Inn.  It was worth the 76.64 miles, at 10.6 mph over 7hours and 9 mins.  No it was.  It’s beautiful, the food, beer and wine were superb (I know Jackie, I wasn’t going to drink tonight. Hey ho we earned it!) and the company great too. 
I make that 277.64 miles so far, not bad eh?  Our computors vary, but I’m sticking with mine for consistancy….
It’s 12:45am now, spose I ought to be getting some sleep, tomorrow should be flat – here’s hoping – and we end up in somewhere begining with W near Market Drayton.  I’m hoping to catch up with my friend Caroline in the evening too. 
Take care, looking forward to your posts, ether permitting, tomorrow,
Beth xx


  1. Fantastic days ride-well done. Great pics too -really pleased that you can all enjoy the trip and it’s not just a slog from one place to another. Already looking forward to the book signings on your return!

  2. We have great admiration for you, not only riding but blogging as well. Keep going and enjoy as well.

  3. Its good to see you have been able to enjoy the scenery a bit more. Shame about the lack of players at the rugby club. Where is today’s loo stop – the fire station?

    • I’ll see what I can find today…..good call on the firestation though 😉

  4. Glad you’re still on target, and enjoying it, and I’m enjoying the pics. Good luck for the next few days, as I’m off to Devon tonight & will be off the “net” until Sunday. Hope there will be loads to read by that time & you’ll have nearly reached Scotland too. Wow!

  5. I don’t think ether is a good idea!!
    We are enjoying following your progress albeit in the comfort of a chair!
    Hope you are having the same beautiful sunny weather that we are having here in Sussex.
    Keep pedalling!
    Sam and Barry xx

    • Bit rainy today, but we dodged most of it, thank goodness!

  6. liked your latest report.sounds like you are all getting in the juggernought zone. spotted your deliberate error in the photo on mon bridge,accusing john of looking like david.enjoy the back streets of mersyside!

    • Ooops, better check that out, tho I’m not sure how it easy it is to change captions?!

  7. We have great admiration for your achievement so far. The blogs have kept our attention. Keep going and enjoy. Hope yesterday was OK too.

  8. We have been following your journey with admiration. Well done, keep going and enjoy it all, even the hard bits.

  9. Stunning pics!! very pretty countryside. a little prettier than central London I can tell u! It’s all sounding more positive now with flat land being put into the equation – hurrah 😀 Keep it up! K x

    • It is very pretty, think we’ve got a big hill tomorrow to make up for our flat days…..will let you know! xx

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